Saturday 7

7 insights, in 7 minutes, every Saturday at 7 a.m.

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 08/06/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 🦴 What your ribcage says about your diet: An ape's ribcage widens as it descends making…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 07/30/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 👌 What 3 foods I'm going to eat for the ne t 2 years: Last week I had a poll where people…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 07/23/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: ⚖️ What is my body fat %: I ran a poll on Instagram for people to guess my body fat…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 07/16/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 📘 Does this book need an update: Dr. Westin A. Price published his seminal book, "Nutrition…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 07/09/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 🦷 Are you flossing with "forever chemicals": PFAS, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances,…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 07/02/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 🥛 Who won the Gallon Challenge: On Tuesday I did the Raw Milk Gallon Challenge (along with…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 06/25/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 💤 What food slows your metabolism: The podcast I did with Brad Marshall, "Is this the cause…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 06/18/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 🔬 Is this the cause of obesity: I'm working on the 3rd part of the "Macronutrient Manual"…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 06/11/22

Hey, good morning! Here's your Saturday 7 weekly roundup! 🥩➡️🍞 What happened in Florida (and the rest of the world): In 1933 Dr. Weston Price studied…

Saturday 7

Published: Sat, 06/04/22

Hey, good morning! Here is your Saturday 7 weekly roundup: 🥛 What's "like drinking pure life force..." I'm 1 week and 1/2 a gallon into my raw milk e…

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