The most interesting part of my blood work was the vitamin D.
This past February, after 18 months of bulking up and a long St. Louis winter, my vitamin D was low. It was 22. Quite low.
But I predicted, that after the fat loss and a St. Louis summer, my vitamin D would double and be back in the normal range. And it did.
This result made me re-think how I do my “bulks” and “cuts” because I'm doing them opposite to Mother Nature's
Ancestrally speaking, you would be more likely to “bulk” through the summer and fall fattening up in preparation or winter.
Winter months would have been natural
“cuts” with less food abundance.
Nature’s rhythm would have you gaining fat while getting plenty of sun exposure, and losing fat when you’d have less access to sun.
I do it backwards. I tend to bulk to the winter, and then cut during the summer, but I hypothesize that if I more closely mimicked nature, my vitamin D would be better regulated throughout
the year.
This also mirrors my vitamin A hypothesis where eating liver is "treasured" in the summer and "trash" in winter.